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August 26, 2003

I love New York in dust, how about you?

Another week, another fabulous Paul Krugman editorial, this time about the bang-up job the White House has done of screwing over New York City:

Why was crucial information withheld from the public? The report mentions "the desire to reopen Wall Street and national security concerns." Maybe — though the national security benefits of failing to remove toxic dust escape me. I suspect that there was another reason: budget politics.

Best of all, the article flips-flops the old theory about those snobby big-city liberals, and instead points out the fact that, in so many words, "some people from America's 'red states' just hate big-city folk." Nice to know the venom flows in both directions.

August 25, 2003


Seems like everyone in the blogosphere today is giggling over Fox News' latest "let's-look-as-stupid-as-possible" gambit. Their briefing instructing the news programs to no longer make references to Arnold Schwarzenegger's movies when referencing his campaign "because it mocks the seriousness of it" is absurd, to be sure (my favorite so far was the picture of Arnold with the words "Running Man" below it)- after all, the man himself announced his candidacy on "The Tonight Show"- but it masks a far more absurd issue: the fact that Fox News is still given the standing of "News" at all. Anybody with half an ounce of sense should strip the channel of that word whenever they reference it, and instead call it what it what it is- "the Fox right-wing opinions channel".

August 24, 2003

Drink up

It's (semi-)official: drinking red wine will make you live linger.

So go buy ten bottles, drink up, and watch it burn.

August 23, 2003

What happened to my pension?

I had a realization today: It occurred while I was reading Lewis Lapham's latest essay in Harper's, in which he points out that Bush has actually done exactly what he said he would upon taking office- i.e. that he would run the government the way he would run a business.

Now, obvious analogies to the less-than-stellar results of his former business ventures aside, this brings up a rather interesting parallel. Clearly, in this respect, we are all "shareholders" in the business of the American government, with a huge amount invested in the stock of how successful it is. And, if Lapham is right, and "the corporation of which he deems himself chairman and chief executive officer not unlike the ones formerly owned and operated by his friends, fund-raisers, and fellow bandits at Enron and Arthur Anderson", then we're all being royally screwed out of our futures. Our economic stability, our pension, the coming years, are all being radically oversold to us in the hopes that we will be suckered just as effectively as the millions whose golden years' security was dependent upon WorldCom and Enron.

Our stock in our own society, in our economic future and cultural progress, is being short-sheeted by Bush's top-down management. Bear witness to the projected ten-year $5.6 trillion surplus turning into a $4 trillion deficit, and you begin to see more clearly the explicit connection here. And Bush is being rewarded, the same way Sun Systems "Hacksaw" CEO was reimbursed millions every time he cast off another ten thousand employees.

All I can say is, I hope Thomas Frank was right, that a change is coming, and that "this time, it won't just be a bunch of kids flipping us the bird and smoking pot when we told them not to."

Oh dear.

Yikes. Now I'm depressed.

I mean, we all know things are bad. Really, really bad. But because we're Americans, and we've been living under the storm clouds of "really, really bad" for awhile now, we're able to do our American best and ignore it in order to get through our daily grind. Hell, we pride ourselves on this ability. And we do our best to ignore people making really good money in secure jobs- the ones who write letters to the editor saying things like "Stupid whiny leftists, they should look around and realize things aren't so bad in the country."

But every once in a while, someone really eloquent gets fed up, and throws it all right in our faces. And that's exactly what has happened to Mark Gisleson at the Minneapolis City Pages. He is an employment counselor who writes (or should I say wrote) the Career News weblog over at the Twin Cities Babelogue. And this is one of the most horrific letters of resignation I've ever seen. Be warned: This is not for the faint of heart.

Thank God for Al Franken.

August 22, 2003

Smell that fresh radiation!

Hey, something new to get excited about: Another step in the gradual but effective gutting of the Clean Air act:

The exemption would allow industrial plants to continue to emit hundreds of thousands of tons of pollutants and could save the companies millions if not billions of dollars in pollution equipment costs, even if they increase the amounts of pollutants they emit.

I sure hope we get more "candid" shots of Bush standing in front of endangered parks in the next campaign. Those'll go over well. At a certain point, lying just becomes so obvious and blatant, and the people who support the liars, just don't care, and the rest of us can only throw up our hands, and wait for Nuclear winter.

August 21, 2003

Insert Bad Schwarzenegger Pun Here

Okay. As a Minnesotan, I finally have the first inkling of hope that Arnold Schwarzenegger's campaign will NOT be a repeat of what Jesse Ventura pulled off in my state. And that hope was offered to me by none other than everybody's favorite bastard, Paul Krugman. His new column in Today's Times basically rips Mr. Muscles a new one, for what is looking to be an attempt to bluff his way through an entire campaign.
See, Ventura was pretty clear from the get-go about what he hoped to accomplish, what he would do, and how he would do it. He gave blunt responses to specific questions about the budget, taxes, and social issues up and down the line. While some of his views may have been bizarre, you certainly didn't want for a lack of detail. Shwarzenegger is turning out to be the exact OPPOSITE. Which is good news for California progressives, and thus good news for the rest of us.

He wouldn't have many Friendsters

Okay, now come on. With all this evidence, it's just so obvious that the free ride Bush gets from the media goes deeper than his mere "personable nature" and "likability", as apologists would have you believe. When an unpopular President is consistently treated as immensely popular with the public, in the face of logic and clear evidence to the contrary, hell, whenever anything false is portrayed as true, you know there's money behind it. Lots. The Republican money-machine has it. The rest of us don't.
But, again, as I'm so fond of pointing out, how many more times to we need to be reassured of what we already know?

Movies, Movies

Okay, first off, don't believe any of the reviews about Freddy Vs. Jason- since they all appear to have missed the point. A typical review, like the one from the Minneapolis Star Tribune, always zeroes in on this point: "It's not even scary." Excuse me, but you were expecting this movie to be scary? Come on, the point of this movie is exactly what it's being excoriated for- "a grudge battle with all the subtlety of a WWE cage match." I'm sorry, but when you go to Freddy Vs. Jason, if you're expecting subtle scares with an artistic flourish, then you're's the word I'm looking for?...oh yeah: a moron.
So don't believe the hype, and go see one of the most entertaining films I've seen yet this year. What, would you rather be at Seabiscuit?

August 18, 2003

Lions and Tigers and Deregulation, Oh my!

Paul Krugman has become SUCH a badass. No other economist in America with such a powerful voice and platform is daring to say half the things this man says before breakfast. And you know he's for real- he's a free-market dork.

But cheer up-
Humor, thou hast found a name, and it is Homestar Runner.

August 17, 2003

Presidential, Pardon?

Okay, we already know that Al Sharpton and Carol Moseley-Braun's respective campaigns are basically just covers for get-out-the-vote drives and nudging the Dems further left. But what to make of Bob Graham and Dennis Kucinich, who apparently seem to think they have a snowball's chance in hell? Don't get me wrong, I understand the all-important hubris that drives a person to do this in the first place- but these guys should at least have people surrounding them who know better. I like Kucinich, but come on, let's be real. A Department of Peace? Sorry, but the sixties pretty much permanently ruined that word for the rest of us. And don't even get me started on Gephardt. The man makes Gore look like a real fire-and-brimstone contender. I can't even bring myself to give you the real link to Lieberman's site- go to this one instead.

So let's see: That leaves us with Dean, Kerry, and Edwards as the possibilities. Sorry, Gen. Clark, but you just waited a little too long, my friend. There you have it. Pay 'em a visit. The Sharpton site is particularly entertaining. But I wish the other Dems would stop kidding themselves, and start choosing sides. Ah well, but maybe that's because I just want the damn thing over with already. I usually have more of a stomach for these kinds of horse races, but really, isn't the only real issue here the fact that we all hate Bush?

August 16, 2003

Guest Blogger!

Hey everybody, pay attention when Kate Silver is talking to you:

I have seen the light. It was only partially obscured by rows of severed heads and pints of corn syrup blood splashed about the concrete. oh yeah, UFO's too. My standards are a bit high when it comes to kitsch (John Waters as Svengali), but it's hard to beat a flick like "Wild Zero" (released in 2000 and soon available on DVD here in the States). Guitarwolf (of Japanese garage-punks Guitar Wolf, who star in the movie) manages a multi-purpose mantra for the punk & sci-fiers alike: "I've got a wallet in my ass with a license to rock'n'rolllll!" Listen also for the climax battle, set to Bikini Kill's "Rebel Girl".

You heard her- go do your capitalist duty.

August 15, 2003

Yes, it's that good

Well, I know you've been waiting to hear from me whether or not it's worth seeing. And I'm here to tell you, the midnight show I went to last night dispelled any fears. It's awesome. That's right:
Freddy Vs. Jason is awesome.

August 14, 2003


Huh. Major blackouts taking out the power grids of New York City, Detroit, and OTTOWA?!?! Are these Canadian terrorists? Or are just really poorly informed ones? Someone should tell them that Ottowa has lost a little bit of its international power since the days of the intrepid explorer La Salle.

On the Money

Blogs, lefty news sites, hipster magazines, et. al- Matt Taibbi has our number. And it's not a pretty one, but well worth reading. He basically uses the example of a creepy Christian Youth Rally that Kirk Cameron is speaking at as a way to investigate the reasons why we, the intelligent folks who are angry at the world much of the time, are the way we are:

That’s not to say one should be apolitical, that one shouldn’t stay informed and participate. But how many times in the day and in how many ways does one need to be convinced not to vote for Bush in the next election or to join an environmental group?

Read it and wonder....

August 13, 2003

Fairly Unbalanced

Why is it not bigger news that, for what may be the first time ever, Fox News is officially admitting that it is totally a right-wing biased network? I realize that saying this is sort of like pointing out that Wesley Snipes is black, but still, to have an actual statement of purpose that your news network exists primarily to skew the news in a right-wing manner is a rather bold revelation for them. And certainly, I would think, throws a bit of a crimp in their "Fair and Balanced" lawsuit against Al Franken. Who, I might add, deserves praise if only for dragging this piece of evidence out of the mouths of Fox News representatives. GO pre-order his new book right now.

Read about the latest in the Fox-Franken brouhaha here.

August 11, 2003

The Hurricane, Pts. 2-99

Looks like yet another judge is saying out loud what they've all known for years: The Federal Justice Department's tactic of seeking the death penalty whenever it's possible is totally fucked.

"In the past decade, substantial evidence has emerged to demonstrate that innocent individuals are sentenced to death, and undoubtedly executed, much more often than previously understood," the judge, Mark L. Wolf of Federal District Court in Boston, wrote in a decision allowing a capital case to proceed to trial. He cited the exonerations of more than 100 people on death row based on DNA and other evidence.

Another 5 of these guys crying foul, and the federal court circuit will be on path to actually make a case for ending executions.
The New York Times has the whole story.

The Fruitcake Award

Over at Progressive Gold they've decided to start handing out the fruitcake award to the political act that most befits what a fruitcake would do. The first winner:

During a House of Representatives committee meeting, Bill Thomas called the cops to evict the Democratic members from a sideroom where they were discussing the bill that was under consideration in the meeting. While the Democrats where tangling with the cops, who wisely decided they had no jurisdiction, the Republicans on the committee had already voted to pass the bill, even though the Democratic members were not present and had not even seen the last version of the bill!

More at his site.

August 09, 2003

Lie To Me

A couple of papers have again broken an important story by- what else?- burying in the back somewhere, usually alongside the obits. The Bush administration informed the EPA that it had to do less alarming truth-telling, and more- well, bullshit- in the days after 9/11:

"As a result of the White House C.E.Q.'s influence, guidance for cleaning indoor spaces and information about the potential health effects from W.T.C. debris were not included in the E.P.A's issued press releases," said the report, which the Times notes was made available by people who said it was too harsh. "In addition, based on C.E.Q.'s influence, reassuring information was added to at least one press release and cautionary information was deleted from E.P.A.'s draft version of that press release."

How in the hell do Republican lapdogs keep getting away with insisting that the Bush administration would never tell a wing of the government to disseminate false information? To the CIA about Iraq, the EPA about health concerns, to the 9/11 commission about what they knew......I mean, is there a single person left in America who still thinks that this White House is honest? Even die-hard right-wingers seem to be admitting they're liars these days. And Buffalo Soliders gets buried for being too controversial. Right.

More on that the-EPA-are-liars story here.

Sing me a Song

God bless whoever invented Create a Band. This is the kind of absurd time-wasting mindlessness that the Internet was made for. Especially for dorky music nerds.

August 08, 2003

Fox "News"

I was alerted to this by Steve Perry over at his Bush Wars blog. It's an excerpt from Fox News' analysis of Al Gore's speech the other day- I think I'll let it speak for itself:

WILLIAMS: Well, I think it’s true when [Gore] says that President Bush led us to believe that somehow Saddam Hussein might have had connections to Al Qaeda—

[At this point, Fred Barnes cut Williams off. Try to believe that this fake, phony man has reached the point where he’ll actually say this on television:]

BARNES (continuing directly): I think Bush said exactly the opposite, consistently! Exactly the opposite!

Pissed? Want more? You know Eschaton's got the scoop.

It's the Environment, stupid

How do you know that the people running your country are nuts? When they manage, in just three short years, to turn a free-market hyper-capitalist economist into a raging, flaming liberal:

" the past environmental crises were local: agriculture might collapse in Sumer, but in Egypt, where the annual flooding of the Nile replenished the soil, civilization went on. Today, problems like the thinning of the ozone layer and the accumulation of greenhouse gases affect the planet as a whole."

I think it's safe to say Paul Krugman's officially on the home team now. Read the rest of his conversion to tree-hugger here.

August 07, 2003

Texaco, for real this time

Just when you thought you'd ingested your fill of nauseating Bush administration news for the week, along comes something like this to remind you just how insane they really are. Apparently, oil companies don't run things enough as it is- they need to be dictators:

"As written, the executive order appears to cancel the rule of law for the oil industry or anyone else who gets possession or control of Iraqi oil or anything of value related to Iraqi oil," said Tom Devine, legal director for the Washington-based Government Accountability Project, a nonprofit group that defends whistle-blowers.

Our buddy Atrios broke the story earlier today.

I'll be backed

It's official- Kindergarten Cop wants to be the next governor of California. Danny Devito's twin brother made his announcement tonight on the Jay Leno show, which drew wild applause from the audience, and the sounds of projectile vomiting from intelligent people across the country.
The scariest part is that, as a Minnesotan, I know where this road leads- it leads straight to Ah-nuld's victory. Mr. Jingle-All-the-Way dissed his opponent: "He can run a dirty campaign better than anyone, but he can't run a state," Mr. Schwarzenegger said. "In the end, it is my duty to jump into the race and to bring hope to the people." So apparently he's even going to talk like Conan the Barbarian during his campaign. Read the disaster here.

August 06, 2003

Eastern Europeans and Passive-Aggressive Rock Boys

So it seems that Bush and co. are now furiously backpedaling on the No-Powell-In-2004 issue, since it appears that the leaking of Mr. My Lai's departure in the event of a Bush re-election went over like a fart in church with the general population. There's no way they could be surprised by this, since most people, even those of a Republican bent, seem to regard Colin Powell as the closest thing to a sane person in the cabinet. Therefore, I can only assume heads are busily rolling somewhere in the White House. You can read the Times' piece here. Is it just me, or is it totally impossible for the New York Times to cover Bush without mentioning at least once what a "good-natured" fella he is? Damn liberal media.

Proving once again that emigres have a much clearer vision of our country than we do, Slavov Zizek's book Welcome To the Desert of the Real! nails us on everything that's happened in the past two years:

"In being asked to choose between 'democracy' and 'fundamentalism', is not the real problem one of democracy itself - as if the only alternative to 'fundamentalism' is the political system of American-style liberal democracy?"

Buy it here.

The intellectual in me is very amped about Freddy Vs. Jason. Talk about a Freudian clash of ids. Come on, be nerdily excited about it, you know you want to.

Why do I love The Postal Service?

August 05, 2003

Did you hear the one about the gay bishop?

Atrios over at Eschaton has basically spent the past couple of days completely discrediting the current smear campaign against the soon-to-be-Episcopal bishop Robinson. I am SHOCKED, shocked and APPALLED to find out that a media campaign of lies and disinformation is being funded by an extremist right-wing group of millionaires. How could this happen in America?

The only thing more shocking: Ben Affleck getting totally busted. Couldn't happen to a bigger doof.

Finally! An explanation on why I haven't found any weapons of mass destruction yet.

August 03, 2003

best elvis-fights-mummy movie ever.

In case you were wondering what the best movie of the new millenium was going to be, it's called Bubba Ho-Tep, so watch this trailer. I can't believe no one thought to make this sooner. Of course, it's going to be hard to top the crowning acheivement of celluloid that is Gigli.

In other news, the worthless Martha Stewart turns 62 today. Best way to celebrate? Go join the Yahoo Newsgroup WeHateMarthaStewart. I'm sure she'll appreciate the sentiment. I know I do.

Steve Perry's amazing blow-by-blow account of every crappy lie and appalling action by the Bush administration thus far is now up at his Bush Wars blog. Go check it out.

August 02, 2003

A new day rising...

Thank you for being among the first to witness the birth of my blog, Planetarium. I was going to call it Newspeak, the same name as my website, but I soon discovered that the fine gentlemen who does the computing which makes this possible thought that would be a very bad idea, indeed. Something about "have you EVER typed 'Newspeak' into a google search, bro?" Hence, Planetarium.
So, please, enjoy yourself. There will be daily updates, I refuse to be one of those annoying bloggers who only throws something up once every few days, when the mood strikes them. What's the point of having a fun blog to visit every day if it's pointless to visit every day? The rants will begin shortly. In the meantime, here's the specifics on things I love. I figured I'd get them out of the way immediately, so that I don't have to dwell on them later, when I'm foaming at the mouth about the latest stupid thing our government did.
- are you a Buffy fan? Then you should've already been to Slayage, the place to be for Buffy fans.
- hate joe lieberman as much as i do? Well, Joseph2004 is up your alley, too.
- Into geeky movies? Aintitcool has everything you could ever want, dork. But if you're just looking for gossip on anything film-related, including every movie that's gonna be made in the next few years, and with who, DarkHorizons will be like a wet dream for you.
- stay away from Friendster. It's like online crack.

See you all soon.