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Clark-In, or Clark-Out?

On the eve of what is likely Wesley Clark's announcement that he's throwing his NATO-encrusted hat into the ring for the Democratic nomination, perhaps it's worthwhile to reflect on the following:
They're going to tear him a new rear end.
Why, you ask? Well, it's simple: he's going to be raked over the coals for giving anti-war speeches at rallies organized by ANSWER, also known as the international Socialist Brotherhood. That's the kind of thing Joe Schmo in Ohio just isn't going to stand for, no matter how decorated the dude's military career is. Mark my words: If Clark runs, he'll be completely discredited by the mainstream media by the time of the Iowa caucas. Which is too bad, because I honestly think he'd make a pretty great prez. I don't need to provide any links- every major news outlet will have this as page 1 tomorrow.

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