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Geek film

Some new entries to what you should at shouldn't see at the cinema this week, courtesy of various reviews I've culled, primarily from the New York Times (you need to log in, it's easy, they don't ask for anything) and the true geek site, Ain't It Cool.

So the good news: Go see the new remake of Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It's amazing, and you will be entertained if a fan of the clever horror genre. If not, again, like Cabin Fever, this is a good place to start.

Kill Bill, the new Quentin Tarantino film, is going to blow you away. This is exactly what hipsters don't want to believe. A friend of mine recently mocked it, syaing there's "no way I'd see that." Thesis: If he saw the exact same preview, but without Tarantino's name attached, he'd be super-pumped about it. So don't believe the dissing, and check it out.

Lost in Translation is amazing, but you already knew that. Why haven't you seen it yet?

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