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Rock critics

Okay, my recent note regarding the absolute disaster that's passing for music writing at the Village Voice these days has apparently struck a nerve here and there with a few folks. Let me be clear: I didn't say YOU were an idiot for reading it- I say that THEY were idiots for writing it. Let me re-phrase that: THEY are complete, utter morons, the most pompous, self-satisfied pack of bastards that should be wiped off the face of the Earth, preferably with a large stack of White Stripes records.

Let me offer some rebuttals to these folks: Lester Bangs' Psychotic Reactions and Carburetor Dung is music writing. Michael Azerrad's Our Band Could Be Your Life is music writing. Please Kill Me: The Uncensored Oral History of Punk is music writing. Great writers, all three. And it's admittedly a difficult job. This dreck is an example of what is NOT good writing, almost a picture-perfect example of the kind of self-important crap I'm arguing against. You be the judge.


In that case, you (and everyone else) should read this, because it's wonderful. And I don't even like Led Zep.


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