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Take a deep breath...

I guess it's fair to say that everyoe has an achilles' heel. Something, be it long lines at the supermarket, or a President who;s a big liar, that sets them off ranting near-incoherently. I guess that's my charitable way of introducing the sad fact that otherwise respectable progressives still begin foaming at the mouth and sounding like screaming nine-year-olds when it comes to good old Ralph Nader. The newest normally sane person to fall victim to this bizarre addiction is Eric Alterman (sorry, just lost the link), who begins shrieking hysterically at the fact that Nader is still going to be involved in political issues.

News flash, Eric: Your boy Gore WON THE ELECTION. It was stolen by Bush, not Nader. Next time tell your candidate to demand that all the votes be counted. Oh, and by the way, a small suggestion: Next time you choose a candidate, think about finding one that possesses at least one-twentieth of a percent more credible progressive beliefs, and maybe a few of those Greenies will actually vote for your sad excuse for a Democrat. I.e. one who doesn't keep Africans dying of AIDS from getting drugs so that the Pharmaceutical industry can keep posting record profits; one who doesn't shill for the WTO every chance he gets; one who doesn't stand to the right of Clinton on most economic issues; in other words, a Democrat.

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