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Elvis lives!

So, I have had an epiphany. For my birthday, I received a copy of The best of Elvis Costello. A 2-disc collection spanning pretty much everything the man has done since he started, right up to 2001. And, I have to admit, it opened my eyes. I had never been much of an Elvis Costello fan, not even after hearing the great stories of how Saturday Night Live had prohibited him from performing "Radio, Radio" on the show, and he went and did it anyway.

But I have to admit, I am now a changed person. Costello writes these songs that, at this point, sound like they were pretty much the definition of the eighties ballad tune, and they're AMAZING. No joke. So give Elvis a chance, check out this collection, and you won't be sorry. How can you hate a collection that opens with one of the best songs ever written: "What's So Funny ('Bout Peace, Love, and Understanding)"? You can't.


OK, now you need "Blood & Chocolate". That comp affected me in a similar manner. Though I'm a big fan, it reminded me of songs like "Oliver's Army" that I just LOVE, but hadn't heard in ages. As I've discovered your post, and type my response, "All the Angels Wanna Wear My Red Shoes" plays from my mix-tape. Strange.

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