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Dying to get in

SO- turn on the DVD players, crack open a beer (or whiskey- we here at Planetarium are rocking the Maker's Mark these days), and enjoy the show, because we've got a new recommendation for your viewing pleasure here. That's right; the self-sacrificing folks we gainfully employ free of charge have scoured the shelves and come up with a film we believe merits attention.

This week's entry is entitled Suicide Club, a 2002 offering from Japan (big surprise, we know). Any movie that opens up with a subway shot wherein 54 smiling, peppy schoolgirls suddenly link hands and jump off the platform into an oncoming train has got our attention. And the movie itself is fascinating. Note the choice of words- we said fascinating, not great. Maybe it isn't a great movie. Maybe it is. Frankly, we still can't tell. But we do know this- it's very interesting, which, for our money, makes it much more worth seeing than any number of "good" films. Be warned: the bizarre leap, halfway through the film, into David Lynch territory surprised the hell out of us, too.

So there you have it- Planetarium tested, Planetarium approved. Don't say we didn't warn you. Though, all things being equal, if you look back at our recommendations over the past six months, we've got a pretty great track record going. Not to toot our own horn or anything.

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