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Passion Fruit

So, unless you've been living under a rock for the last three months with your fingers in your ears, you have some sort of opinion about Mel Gibson's new film, The Passion of the Christ. Planetarium hasn't seen it yet, but is actually planning to. In the meantime, however, here's one of the most no-bullshit, cut-to-the-chase, and interesting reviews we've seen of it. Not least of which because of the talkback forum that is listed after the review. Talk about eye-opening. We have to admit, our favorite post came from the guy who titled his feedback "A movie about Jesus getting his ass whooped? I am SO there."


Maybe Mel Gibson will run for president.

$25 million in one day? Anti-semitism be damned; I smell sequel...

You have to consider the possibility that this film is a sign of the end days; that Mel Gibson may not have just made a bad movie; there's every possibility that he may actually be evil.

Could we talk about music sharing?

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