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Whiling away while the cities burn....

Some folks seem to have spent too much time checking out the latest episode of The Apprentice to notice that some damn fine things are available for your viewing pleasure. First of all: Kudos to the Swedes, whose amazing film I Am Curious- Yellow has somehow not retained as much of its cultural value over the years as it should. A recent re-viewing of this film by Planetarium was striking, if only for its vivide distinction between what happens if you're born in the only country birthed upon a notion of free trade, as opposed to having, you know, some 800+ years of history. A great movie, and well worth seeing.

Also: The Family Guy, seasons 1,2, and 3 are now readily buy-able. For real. Get them now. Now, it's true. It's really good. Planetarium knows you need a laugh now and then. We sure do.


Dood, I luv The Apprentice. You don't know what you're missing.

Oh, believe us, Planetarium has SEEN the Apprentice. It's just that, you know, we understand how evil it is. And that watching it makes you evil, too. So we're trying not to.

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