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All Apologies

Sorry everyone, but we here at Planetarium had to decided a three-day weekend to clear our heads. It seems that our swelling base of support was a little too much for our humble server, and so down they went. So sorry.

But back we are, with a nice sampler platter of items and issues to tickle your fancy. Or perhaps we're just still p.o.'d we all flunked out of maitre' d school. Anyone's call, really.

1. Dawn of the Dead is coming to a theater near you this Friday, and has been almost universally stamped with the seal of approval form those who know what's what. Considering the hot streak Planetarium has been on, recommendations-wise, this should be a no-brainer. Hey, how about that, zombie movie references come merely unbidden by now.

2. From the cover story of the Times today:

"Bush's Campaign Emphasizes Role of Leader in War"
To quote Steve Perry, "People don't want to hear that shit any more." This is gonna backfire on him as the bodies keep mounting.

3. We really liked Things You Shouldn't Do to Baby Chickens at first, but rather quickly it proves the old saw that cute animals are more important than ugly ones, because, come on, it's so cute. The Jesus one is pretty good though.


That baby chicken thing is retarded. It's the kind of thing that is funny to 4th grade nerds.

You can't tell me it didn't start to make you feel bad for the poor things.

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