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Usually, Fridays are a disaster, both for Planetarium and the nation, as the White House dumps all the really fucked-up things they did into the Friday news cycle so nobody will be talking about it at the watercooler the next day. But today, we've got a balanced bag of goodies from the getting-less-impressive-every-day New York Times:

1. Dems are finally getting some guts to block the judicial nominees. After rolling rolling over for all but 3 of the 100+ totally evil guys Bush has been stacking benches with, the recent weakening of the Bush corp. over the press corp. is emboldening them a wee bit. They're refusing to confirm any nominees unless Bush promises he won't name a bunch more while Congress is in recess.

2. Kerry's recovered from his 2 weeks incognito. After forgetting the fact that saying the same thing over and over drops you from the headlines quicker than an endorsement from Rupert Murdoch, Kerry has come back with a nice piece of fluff that gets a good headline: Kerry plan to deal with jobs moving overseas. Yes, Virginia, there IS an election decided by the economy.

3. new Krugman. Yay!

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