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It's arty French guy-lovin' time

Michael Gondry, folks, deserves your attention. We here at Planetarium think that this little Frenchman has it in the palm of his hand, and you should all take a good look. There are several ways to do this.

1. Michael Gondry's DVD, a collection of the music videos he's directed. A wonderful introduction to his visual styles, sensibility, and aesthetics.

2. His first film, Human Nature, which some like. Yeah, it's like that.

3. His new movie, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Planetarium just saw this a short while ago, so it's too soon for a review, because we're still digesting it. Wow. Check it out, and let us know what your take on it is.

4. If you need a quick-fix, there's this cute video for a song from the film by the Polyphonic Spree. Enjoy.


It's very quickly becoming one of my favorite films. I won't have digested it until I see it again, but for the moment all other pop culture can fuck off. Gondry's got it beat.

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