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MAYBE it won't suck?

Well, as you probably know if you're a regular reader, Planetarium has been expecting I, Robot to suck to high heaven. And while it's maybe a bit premature to say that it won't, Harry Knowles thinks it's actually kinda fun. Ain't It Cool is a respectable barometer of whether or not nerd movies are fun (though occasionally he REALLY misses the boat, if anyone remembers his somewhat positive review of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen), and if most of the reviews are saying "not too bad", well, it's potentially not too bad. Good news for those of us who are such geeks that we're gonna go see it no matter what.


There's no chance in hell this will be a good movie. Asimov's book was about how robots are just logical machines even if they became sentient and you have to understand their logic in order to deal with them. The movie will be about how robots are scary bad technology. I hate it already. Maybe I'll watch a pirated version.

Remember when Will Smith used to be in good movies? Oh wait...

Sounds like B.Alec wants the robots to win.

Fuck you Shuminsky. Robots are people just like you and me. I designed a robot to help me communicate with others.

You are a fucking robot, B. Alec. Don't even try to deny.

Didn't B.Alec ever see A.I.? It's an original story of a robot who wants to be a real boy. There is a scene where he eats some real food, but he couldn't digest it because he was not a boy. They took him to the hospital and he was fine after that.

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