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Busted...what a shock

From a tip brought to our attention by Eschaton:

Kerry press release (Excerpt): Bush Campaign Busted Passing Out “Swift Boat Veterans for Bush” Flyer Washington, DC - Despite constant denials, the Bush-Cheney campaign today was busted coordinating with the “Swift Boat Veterans for Bush” in their smear campaign against John Kerry. The following press release was issued this afternoon by the Florida Democratic Party. The evidence is attached.

“Bush Campaign Caught Promoting "Swift Boat Vets for Truth"

While National Campaign Denies Coordination, Campaign in Florida Promotes Rally

Tallahassee -- On the same day that the Bush-Cheney campaign repeatedly denied coordinating attacks with the anti-Kerry group "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth," the Bush-Cheney campaign in Florida was caught promoting a rally in Gainesville for the group.

How about a big round of applause for the Republican machine, which managed to get the stupid, lumbering Democratic machine to take the bait and have THIS be the story in the media for the past two weeks. As John Stewart suggested the other day, "perhaps the democrats could use some..............nutsack?"

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