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Buchanan on Daily Show

Pat Buchanan: The reason I'm still voting for Bush, and the American people seem to support this, is that he exudes confidence, certitude, strength...

Stewart (interrupting): Yeah, so does Mr. T! I mean, that argument is like saying 'well, he drove us off a cliff, but he didn't blink!' It's crazy.


Buchanan: Look, Kerry came out and said that knowing what he knew now, no weapons of mass destruction, no tie to 9/11, no threat, nothing, he STILL would've voted to authorize war. He blew it right there. He could've sewn up the election if he had just come out and said 'The President blew it. Give a new gang the chance, we'll go in there, see what we can salvage, and get out.

Stewart: Um......yes. I agree. Huh.

That's the thing. Buchanan may be a nutty xenbophobe, but he's a populist with a brain, and he's got more sense than he gets credit for.


Misquotes. Still, it's true. What the fuck has John Kerry's staff been thinking? Maybe Carville will help.

Democrats/Liberals/Progressives are playing DEFENSE when they need to be on the OFFENSIVE with a CLEAR PLAN of attack. Republicans LIE and have a clear message that people can quickly grab onto and understand.

and yes, maybe these guys can help: www.tray.com

That's what I've BEEN saying.

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