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Collateral Funny

We at Planetarium have yet to see Michael Mann's newest flick, though we keep hearing very good things about it. It seems once again, all you haters misjudged not only Mann but Cruise, a guy who slams it out of the park once every three movies or so. So go check it out, and we will too. In the meantime, there was a great little exchange today on Ain't It Cool where a guy was raving about how great Collateral is, and mentions the fact that Will Smith's real-life wife is one of the people that makes the film great. The first response to this: "So when did Will Smith and Jamie Foxx get married, anyways?"


I haven't seen it, but I want to. Though I heard from a fairly reliable source that it was very bad. I like Michael Mann and Tom Cruise. Except, of course, for Minority Report. And Days of Thunder.

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