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No, really, he actually IS crazy

This delightful piece of news about Alan Keyes' game plan to win the Illinois Senate seat by beating new hotshot Barack Obama comes courtesy of our informant Wickedfingers (go support Claire for Governor in Missouri).

Declaring that his campaign strategy is "dependent on controversy," Senate candidate Alan Keyes (R) "told the state's top GOP donors at a recent closed-door meeting" that he plans to make "inflammatory" comments "every day, every week" until the election, according to several sources at the session. "The sources said Keyes explained that his campaign has been unfolding according to plan and likened it to a war in which lighting the 'match' of controversy was needed to ignite grass-roots voters." Keyes: "This is a war we're in. The way you win wars is that you start fires that will consume the enemy" (Pearson, Chicago Tribune, Sept. 14).


Proud to be an Illinoisan? Illinoisian? Oh, hell, Proud to be from the Land of Lincoln (I heard old Abe had a gay lover, now that would be a good controversial thing to say, Alan Keyes).

I think I'm switching to the GOP in light of the recent discovery of weapons of mass destruction.
Click on my name to see the story.
And go Keyes! Yay!

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