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Tenant Hellish: End of Days

So, Planetarium just returned from seeing Resident Evil: Apocalypse. While we certainly didn't expect it to live up to the standards of gleeful B-movie ridiculousness set by the first film, we can say that, while satisfied by it, it left a little to be desired. Don't get us wrong: when, in the first five minutes, a guy bungee-jumps out of a helicopter while unloading both guns, we knew that this was going to be worth our while. And Milla Jovovich has certainly proven herself to be one of the best action heroes in America. In fact, anytime she WASN'T on-screen, you were left wondering where the star was. So, in conclusion: more Milla, less anything non-Milla. But entertaining, overall. We usually don't do the "star" system, because it's such a failure, but really, this is a "worth seeing it" - starred movie. So there you go. Enjoy your weekend.

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