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Monday Night

As we finish our late shift here at Planetarium world headquarters, two things tonight were good, both from Comedy Central:

1. As a follow-up to our previous post, The Daily Show was inspired this evening. John Stewart: "Let's see, what did I do Firday........got a haircut......had a falafel sandwich........called a guy a dick on national television...". Later on: "By the way, all three of the other guys are just as big of dicks as Carlson. I didn't want them to be offended by being left out." God bless the man. And his moment of Zen was James Carville saying "I think Stewart is well-informed, I just think he's a pompous ass."

2. Nobody seems to have noticed, but Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn is actually a great show once in a while, you know, when the guests are all people sane enough to not start screaming over each other. When it's good, it's a funny, well-reasoned show with 4 folks from all over the political spectrum making intelligent points- and that includes right-wingers. As John Stewart would say, it's what Crossfire SHOULD be.

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