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Now, we at Planetarium aren't usually the biggest fans of New York Times film critic A.O. Scott, but he seems to have come up with a quite deft and insightful analysis of a movie almost ALL of us are going to see whether we think it'll be good or not, Team America: World Police. Most interestingly, Scott seems to latch onto a point that Planetarium has made several times in the past: despite their "equal-opportunity offender" mask, the South Park creators have quite the conservative streak. He notes that the movie ultimately ends up making an argument for America being not just the world's police, but even a Gestapo of sorts. And if a few priceless statues get blown up, a few thousand innocent people get killed, hey, it's the price of business.

What's that? Of COURSE we're still going to see it.


Did anyone else see this yet? I wasn't amused. It just wasn't that funny, and I can see the point about the conservative slant, but really I think it's just bland.
South Park is funnier and more provocative as well. Although if you're easily amused by difficulties in puppetry, or simply the novelty of puppets acting out action flicks, maybe it will be funny to you. Probably should get high first too.

i cannot remember the last time i paid money to see a movie this bad....


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