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News Round-Up

It's time for Planetarium's weekly Friday night summation of all the important news from today. Because Friday is "Take Out the Trash" Day in news- the day where everyone who has a story they don't want getting big press releases dumps their unwanted stories. And then WE sort them for you, gentle reader. Here we go:

- Barry Bonds (baseball player) used lots and lots of steroids. Oops. But he didn't KNOW they were steroids. He thought it was syringes filled with candy.

- More college kids are killing themselves. Thank God. The job market sucks enough as it is.

- There will be a new election in Ukraine by Dec. 24. America is wholly bored.

- A lot less jobs sprung into being than everyone thought would. Clap your hands faster to make more of them get their wings.


on the jobs tip. I substituted at a school that had a kindegarten job opening and 750 people applied for the job. Awesome, I can't wait to get my license and be number 751.

Do you think in a small part of your brain, that George W. Bush, in the ultimate rebellion from his father for getting him into all of this shit will become the ultimate liberal and fight the good fight?

Flaxseed oil, man. Not candy. Flaxseed oil.

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