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William Safire is Insane

Seriously. Totally 'round the bend. He's fucking nuts. Obviously, he's not actually retiring- he's clearly being forced out because he went certifiably loony. Planetarium would like to initiate a new trend in the blogosphere: calling someone out. Yes, that's right, Bill Safire, we're inviting you to come to Minnesota and get your ass kicked. Good ol' mano a mano, you nutty right-wing fuck. You probably won't even notice the ass-kicking, not with how insane YOU clearly are. What color is the sky in your world? Seriously, Planetarium wants to know- there's an office pool going on about the answer.

If you hadn't yet heard the news of Safire's entry into Loony-Tune land, by all means, please read it right now.


Holy shit. How does this guy get to write for the Times? I'll pin his arms behind his back while you hit him with a pillowcase full of bars of soap.

That's exactly what Planetarium's roommate said. What do you want to bet Safire's at LEAST 20 years older than the picture they show of him?

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