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Fantastic Four Trailer Hits

Check it out. Planetarium smells disaster, quality-wise. It'll do middling business, probably along the lines of Hellboy. Which, as a quasi-bad movie, will likely look like Citizen Kane in comparison to this shit.


Absolutely not. What about Sin City?

Are you saying absolutely not to our suggestion that this movie will suck? We're not sure what the Sin City argument is in relation to. Does Robert Rodriguez have more misses than hits? Clearly. Does the trailer for that film make us intrigued and curious to see it? Damn straight. Especially when you factor in the knowledge that Rodriguez co-directed the movie with Quentin Tarantino and.......(drumroll).....Frank Miller.

I watched the trailer. It actually had a frame that said "Forever" followed by a frame that said "4 Ever"... That was completely unecessary.

Planetarium, do you have any updates on the Firefly movie? And I want to see Sin City and won't be talked out of it.

Fantastic Four will absolutely not not suck. Sin City just can't be as good as the trailer wants me to believe, is all I'm saying. But I like getting proved wrong, believe it or not.

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