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Shitty Media Weekend Roundup

It's the weekend, you all just want to relax and enjoy watching "Return of the King" for the ten thousandth time, so we'll just offer a few delightful crumbs of how fabulous the American media is:

- In a January 12 Washington Post op-ed, titled "The Plame Game: Was This a Crime?" Republican attorney Victoria Toensing defended nationally syndicated columnist Robert Novak and the
anonymous government sources he used in a July 2003 column in which he exposed the identity of undercover CIA operative Valerie Plame. Multiple news outlets have noted that Toensing is apparently a personal friend of Novak -- a fact that neither she nor the Post saw fit to disclose.

- In the 'What the hell do his viewers THINK when they see this?' category, On the January 13 broadcast of The O'Reilly Factor, O'Reilly informed Randy Albelda, professor of economics at the University of Massachusetts Boston, that "[m]ost people who don't make any money are not educated because they didn't wanna get educated."

- And finally, in the "creepy because many people don't actually realize they're watching Sinclair-owned TV news", the January 11 edition of Sinclair Broadcast Group's "The Point" held a one-sided promotion of a health care plan from the conservative Institute_for_Policy_Innovation (IPI), a think tank founded by former Republican House Majority Leader Dick Armey. The IPI proposal Hyman touted closely mirrors President Bush's own health care proposal, but did not mention that many health care experts fear this proposal will actually make the current health care crisis worse. What an informative news program! Fair and balanced! The crazies now have 2 channels- don't lefties get at least one?

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