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Tag Team, Back Again

Sorry for the 2-day delay, but as you can see, we were busy rebuilding the site with a kicky new look for 2005. Hope you all like it, because it took a little while, and it's not going away anytime soon. A quick round-up for you as what we've neglected over the past hours:

- the new thriller White Noise, starring Michael Keaton as a dude who can hear voices of dead people or something wildly original like that, apparently sucks moose drool.

- Planetarium was the "Minnesota Blog of the Day" as bestowed by the Twin Cities' Babelogue. Whooo!!!! We'd like to thank Bob and Harvey Weinstein for this enormous opportunity.

- The new issue of Entertainment Weekly has the Oscar race as its cover story, and apparently Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind has a pretty good shot for a nom. Also, it's a great read, just like every issue. And no, we don't get EW kickbacks, though we probably should for statements like that.

- Are we the only ones who think that the White House paying off a journalist with a national syndicated radio and TV show $240,000 to speak favorably about their No Child Left Behind Act is a really big fucking deal? Where are the cover stories about this? And second of all, doesn't this raise the question of who else they're paying off?

- Atrios has a great quote from Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist yesterday:

Just before his helicopter lifted off, Frist and aides took snapshots of each other near a pile of tsunami debris. "Get some devastation in the back," Frist told a photographer.

God bless America.

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