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What a dick!

Wow. George Bush's first press conference of the new year? Wow. All we can say is, what a fucking asshole. The amount of arrogance and condescension emanating from him, both in body language AND what he actually said, was fucking unbelievable. But so far, in these early stages of analysis, we 're pretty sure our favorite part is when he insults the entire population of senior citizens in this country.

Although, tied for second place right now is his hilariously patronizing and schoolmarm-ish "those (reporters) who are quiet will get called on first" comment.


I'll have to use his line about being quiet in my school teaching. First rat to do what I say, gets the pellet.


Its refreshing to find out that there are still critical thinkers in the United States who are willing to criticize 'our fine leader' and his incomprehensible speech making abilities and their subsequent content. I could go on about it for days, but frankly I'm afraid that the neo-fascist Department of Homeland Security will be knocking on my door while waving a copy of the Patriot Act.
You, on the other hand, were always opinionated and didnt care who knew it even in High School. Good to see you have not changed. Let me (Liz W. from WFBHS) know how you have been doing!


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