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Constantinely Debatable

Well, we couldn't let the opening of a big-budget supernatural thriller go by without noting it, and the arrival of the new Keanu Reeves film Constantine. Some bizarrely back-and-forth opinions from critics on whether it totally sucks or totally rules, and what's weird is the lack of any review that's in-between those two views. On the "hated it" side, our favorite quote comes from Leah McLaren in the Toronto Globe & Mail, who imagines the studio execs' meeting at which the decision was made to produce the movie: "A few guys in Prada suits sit around an L.A. boardroom table going, 'The Matrix meets The Exorcist, huh .....? With Keanu? I like it. No wait -- I love it.'"

And on the confusing side, a few critics are praising it up and down, including the Minneapolis Star Tribune's (admittedly retarded) critic Colin Covert, who bestows four stars upon it. The only place that seems split in a middle-of-the-road way are the trusty geeks at Ain't It Cool News. We'd suggest a breif glance at their various takes on it, if you're trying to decide to see or not to see.


Thank you! Chinese Apes.

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