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Episode III: Revenge of the Nerds

Well, Planetarium finally got to see the final Star Wars film last night, and while there was many a drk in attendance, there were not enough dorks-in-costume for our tastes. Ah well. What's that, you say? You have a question?....


Well, it was.....alright. It was clearly the best of the three, but then again, that's like being the smoothest bowel movement of the day. There were some decent fight sequences and special effects surrounded by hilariously bad dialogue, wooden acting, and some VERY silly moments. This exchange between Padme and Anakin we found particularly tasty:
Anakin: You look beautiful.
Padme: Only because I'm so much in love.
Anakin: No, it's because I'M so much in love with YOU.

Whoo, Ani, hot stuff! Are you with him, fellas? Another howler comes when the Jedi Council is trying to decide who to send to the Wookiee planet to help out, and Yoda volunteers: "Good relations with the Wookiees, have I."

To his credit, you could tell George REALLY wanted to make an analogy of the Bush administration to the Evil Empire. Towards the end, when Anakin confronts Obi-Wan, he actually says "If you're not with us....", and you can almost hear the unspoken "you're against us" floating in the air. But George decides to not directly alienate half the country, and instead has him finish with "...you're the enemy." But still....come ON. So fucking obvious. Where's the pissed-off right-wingers protesting Star Wars? Hopefully soon.

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