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Get It While You Can

Pretty sweet how abortions are going to be illegal soon. All the coverage of the nomination of Roberts last night (Planetarium was glued to it) kept reiterating how "only the 'outside' advocacy groups", with all their evil liberal money, were going to have a problem with Roberts, and all the good men in Congress, apparently unburdened with concerns such as money, were going to be in agreement that Judge Roberts would make a damn fine Supreme Court Justice. The ONLY person to raise a stink was the head of NARAL on CNN, who basically went on the air and said "Are you fucking kidding me?", and was promptly relegated to the "evil special-interest group" seats in the bleachers. So allow us to reiterate for her: Are you fucking kidding? The dude who argued for OVERTURNING Roe Vs. Wade before the Supreme Court is going to get a free pass? Where's Kennedy? Where's Feinstein? Why aren't they screaming bloody murder right now and vowing to hunt down the first-born children of any democrat who supports this nomination? Gonna be kind of strange to live in a country where only outlaws will have abortions. Oh, wait, we meant to say outlaws and the children of rich people. God bless America.

The Times has a blandly logical rebuttal to the nomination here.


Yeah, but did anyone expect anything else? From what I know, which is very little, this seems like sort of the actually moderate nomination that they can get through without a big fight, while the real fucker is going to be replacing Rehnquist.

If the situation were reversed should Democrats nominate someone conservatives like?

We should keep talking about the administration destroying the main agency actually in charge of national security.

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