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Five million against one

Every couple of years, a new Pearljam record comes out, and every couple of years, we waste our breath trying to explain to people who will never even hear the album that Pearljam has evolved into a great classic rock band, one of the best working today, in fact. And every year people go, "Oh, Pearljam, they're so bad," likely with visions of "Last Kiss" or "Elderly woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town" running through their heads. These poor naysayers- so sad- don't know what they're missing. Planetarium finally got around to picking up their 2-disc odds-n-sods collection, Lost Dogs. It must really bum out some dudes that this bands' collection of throwaways is better than the best record their bands will ever create. Ever.

And hey- didn't we tell you to go buy Sleater-Kinney's The Woods? What's the holdup?

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