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Holy Shit

This was going to be an entry about the amazing film The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, which as you may or may not know, has one of the greatest opening credits sequences in the history of film. Also, if you haven't seen it, you should know it's an epic, not a Western. In the grand tradition of Star Wars IV: A New Hope or Apocalypse Now, this film needs to be seen to be believed, as there are too many of us who don't like westerns, and thus confine this movie to the "probably won't see it" region of our brain.

BUT- instead- motherfucking William Rehniquist just died. Like shit wasn't crazy enough in this country (god DAMN this is an interesting time to be alive, as in the ancient Japanese curse "May you live in interesting times"), the chief justice had to take the long walk on the green mile, meaning that when things couldn't get any bleaker, they just got a lot bleaker. Yeah, you thought Justice Roberts was gonna be bad? You ain't seen nothin' yet. Is it time yet for the Democrats on the Hill to start a revolution? I'm just wondering how long it will take, how many of their deepest beliefs they will compromise before they say "enough's enough". maybe all of them, in which case we're fucked. But maybe not, who knows. Despite our current pessimism and "smoke 'em if you got 'em, 'cuz we're going down" attitude, there's always that small ray of hope that manages to stay lit, God knows why. But seriously, as B.Alec pointed out on this site a while back, the nomination for Rehnquist's sucessor is going to be a fucking crazy-ass, frothing at the mouth, let's-kill-welfare-moms psychopath, straight up. It'll be like an R. Kelly song without the fun or the pedophilia. Wait, wait, I forgot, it's a religious nutbag, too- there'll DEFINITELY be pedophilia.


The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly is a good movie.

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