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Okay, enough with the remakes already...

Now, we'll be the first to admit that we've been big supporters of some of the remakes that have taken place over the past couple of years. We definitely singled out the Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake as deserving of much praise, and a few of the Japanese imports (most notably The Grudge) have actually surpassed the original. But now, we're sorry to say that Neil Labute has decided to remake The Wicker Man. For those of you not in the know, this is one of the weirdest little cult films ever made, about a policeman who goes to a little island off the Scottish coast to investigate a murder, and things....get weird quickly. Aside from one of Christopher Lee's finest and oddest roles, this movie simply cold not be made today. Unless he's really period-piecing it, it's just gonna blow. Some things should be let well enough alone, in our humble opinion. Maybe write your own movie next time, Neil. Oh, wait, you've been doing that, and the last few have....never mind.

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