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Entering the home stretch. The end is in sight. Stress is running high. Why not relax with a cool refreshing Gatorade?

Did we mention the part where we're still eating and breathing this work? 'Til thursday, folks. Our brain will come out of its self-induced isolation chammber at that point. Yeah, there's a stack of messages piling up as we speak- the same pile that's been building since last week, for anyone who's wondering why Planetarium is not responding in a usual timely manner. Happy holidays, though, right? Our Irish mate Damien likes to make fun of our political correctness regarding the holidays, even though we've pointed out repeatedly that it's the right-wing doing the silliness in this campaign. His response: "What do you wankers say when you get your gifts? 'Oh, look, it's my holiday present!'? Wankers, the lot of ya."

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