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You've missed Iraq news, haven't you?

Really, when was the last time you heard about it? We had completely forgotten it was even a country, let alone that we were fighting some sort of WAR there! Ha-ha! Whoops! Anyways, for a nice change of pace, Outlaw Vern has a pretty great little essay, very salt-of-the-Earth type stuff, about how fucked the situation is. And it's wonderfully funny and plainly eloquent to boot. A little sample:

One republican from Texas - I didn't catch his name but he was kind of like a lovable old blowhard uncle telling war stories - he talked about how if we leave Iraq, our enemies will take advantage of our weaknesses. Well, no offense old boy, but have you been getting the newspaper these last couple years? Our weakness is that we are too stupid and stubborn and careless to take our troops out of harm's way. We leave them out there hoping they will attract Progress like flowers attract bees. But mostly they're attracting car bombs.

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