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it's frustrating...

...to log in and have two hundred comments posted from someone named "sex thumbnails." They must have gotten made fun of ALL THE TIME growing up, probably in some town with a name like Hooterville.

So Planetarium threw a party last night. Apparently it was fairly successful, because we woke up today at around 4 pm with a pounding head and the sudden realization that we had somehow managed to drink EVERY beer in New York City the preceding evening. As well as some vodka. And whiskey. And at some point there may have been orange sherbert margaritas involved. Also, upon awakening it was discovered that on the computer desk there was a large hide-bound copy of T.S. Eliot's The Wasteland. We don't OWN a copy of The Wasteland. Unsettling? Perhaps a little. This was followed by five hours of minimal movement, save to get water refills, use the restroom, and get the various remotes needed in order to watch Veronica Mars (now on DVD!) from a comfortable position. It is extremely rare that we feel that thrashed from an evening of drinking. The best part of being old people now is that you feel quite justified whenever you have a hangover: "Not a kid any more!" et. al.......

Our lovely friend Melissa brought a present of a mix CD for us, with an amazing trajectory of songs from artists that usually annoy us (paging: The Mountain Goats) but whom Melissa has the incredible knack of somehow picking the one great track from each one of them and blending into a sublime aural experience. That last sentence should not be read with any irony, either, which is admittedly hard but w/r/t the whole sublime-experience hoohah we suggest at least giving it a good try. Planetarium's stupid people-reviews-humor piece was published in Canon magazine this past week, and as usual when anything is published of ours, this involves trying to pretend we are someone else whenever the topic arises. Tomorrow: more gym, more reading. Possibly a break for orange sherbert, which we have somehow developed a hankering for.

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