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Poseidon, on the other hand...

Hey folks, anyone considering going to see Poseidon this weekend might want to head over and check out the review of it that just went up over at Ain't It Cool News. It sums up nicely whether you'll enjoy it or not (hint: if you enjoy using your brain, you will not), but it's also got a great list of "Survival Tactics learned by watching Poseidon" that are pretty awesome. For example:

1) In the event of an emergency do not, I repeat, do not heed the advice of the captain or person of authority nearest you. They will only get you killed. They clearly have no clue what to do under dangerous circumstances of any kind, and while willing to die for their profession, are only eager to do so if they can take as many people with them as possible.

2) Once you have avoided the advice of the aforementioned authority figure, seek out the nearest adventurous white person you can find. They’ll know what to do. Little Known Fun Fact: White men are actually given special classes in disaster training (usually during high school), and should always be trusted in these matters.

So let us know if you end up seeing it, and what you think of it, because we're frankly curious. We still refuse to watch Titanic on general principle, but we caught the last 40 minutes of it on TV the other day, and maaaaaan... it's really fun to watch that boat sink.

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