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Funky Cold Muh-Dean-ah

So, Planetarium watched some good ol' fashioned Fox News last night, and it discovered something somewhat interesting: The Right Wing, for some bizarre reason, seems absolutely terrified of Howard Dean. God knows why, IMHO. Perhaps Dean has some sort of secret magic powers that Planetarium's not aware of. But to hear Fox News tell it, Dean is an agent of Al-Qaeda who needs to be taken out by any of the other candidates, who may not be smart or good, but are at least "honest Americans".

Daily kos has some interesting analysis of the weird breakaway into a four-way race in Iowa. Particularly, he notes that Edwards has spiked in popularity right about the time he stopped doing his southern-boy routine and started mimicking Dean's whole "I want to empower you" shtick. It's odd that they've decided to pull this "anyone's game" routine at this point, but it's clear why the media's pushing it so hard:

It gives them the power to anoint the candidate.

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