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Ice Ice baby

Something about the cold. If you live in a climate where it is regular below the freezing point, you know what Planetarium is talking about. If you don't, then shut your trap. Something about the cold makes you simultaneously more alive and more depressed and quiet. You toughen up, your body preps you for the temperature, but at the same time you lose some of your will to live. Allin all, it's probably a good thing. Planetarium has always argued that people who live in cold, hostile climates tend to be smarter than people who live in warm climates near the beach. Why? We're glad you asked.

If you live in a cold weather area, then during the winter, you spend your time indoors, alone, reading, talking, using your mind. If you live in a hot climate, you do what any sane person does, which is hit the beach as often as you can. It kills your brain, it defeats your desire to grow as a person, and you end up stupider than you might otherwise be. This is not necessarily a bad thing. Indeed, your life might be all the happier for it. But you know, don't get into any big debates or anything. The old writers agree with us. Get used to it.

None of which destroys Planetarium's desire to have a winter home in the Tropics.


This avid reader adds that, in addition to reading, alcohol becomes a steady staple of those in colder climates. This reader asks Planetarium if the booze warms up the brain or turns it into a block of ice?

well, nick, excellent question. And the answer depends on whether you are an intellectual/artist type or not. As we all know, many of the world's greatest artists and thinkiners were also raging alcoholics. Thus, if you're already clever, drinking not only doesn't hurt, it may spur you on to new heights of genius.

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