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Allow Planetarium to be the one to break the awful news to you: Angel has been cancelled. Yes, that's right, one of the only shows left on TV that was still worth watching has just gotten the axe. No, they didn't see it coming. Yes, they will finish out the season. And Planetarium has gotten hold of a heartbreaking posting by show creator Joss Whedon, thanking the fans, talking about the show, and whatnot. If you want to read it, click here and scroll about a third of the way down. If you don't care that much, at least take a moment to recognize genius when you find it, and read these parting words from Mr. Whedon himself:

I've never made mainstream TV very well. I like surprises, and TV isn't about surprises, unless the surprise is who gets voted off of something. I've been lucky to sneak this strange, strange show over the airwaves for as long as I have. I don't FEEL lucky, but I understand that I am.

Thanks all for your support, your community, and your perfectly sane devotion. It's meant a lot. Remember the words of the poet:

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn."

See you soon.


Damn is right.

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