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Does Planetarium even need to remind you any more that it's Friday, and therefore the day of yet another excellent piece by Krugman in the Times? He really has inherited that magical gift of being able to say- usually in the most coherent, plain-spoken way- why we're right and they're wrong. Planetarium is dreadfully envious. Of course, perhaps if our job consisted of sitting around thinking up witty one-offs and finding statistical evidence for them all day long, perhaps we'd be right there with him.

On the other side of the political spectrum.......I just don't know what to say. I know the right-wing loves Karl Rove and all, but really.....this is just disturbing. Heed our warning: this site is not for the faint of heart.

But hey, we wouldn't leave you without some good news: It looks like 50 First Dates is gonna be pretty great. Those of us who loved the Sandler/Barrymore pairing in The Wedding Singer are going to be treated to what the New York Times, of all places, is calling one of the "most daring and funny romantic comedies". So check it out. Of course, if that's not your cup of tea, well, we have good news for you other folks as well: The new version of Dawn of the Dead has gotten the official geek seal of approval. Which, given how much they were planning to hate upon it, must mean it's damn good. How could it not be- Sarah Polley! Mu-ah!


OH my GOD! Karl Rove as a GROUNDHOG! I think this is what happens when you put zoloft in the water supply.

Oh Alex, don't tell me you're going to see 50 First Dates! Really, rent Groundhog Day and relive it again and again. That's what I'll do.

Hegel remarks somewhere that all great world historical personages and events occur, as it were, twice. He forgets to add, the first time as tragedy, the second as farce: 50 First Dates for Groundhog Day; Bertolucci's film about Paris '68 for Bertolucci's experience of Paris '68; Iraqi Freedom for Gulf Storm; Bush the son for Bush the father. It's all good, trapped here in the feedback loop.

Thanks for the Rove link...Karl is like the sexiest man of infinite evil ever!

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