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TV Life

I think Kate made agreat point in the last posting, mentioning TV life. I remember watching the NBC 75th Anniversary special, and it was featuring all these clips from the Cosby show, Family Ties, I LoveLucy, etc. And it was so bizarre, because Planetarium realized that THIS was our hsitory, fictional television shows, clips we all remember, excerpts that never happened from an existence we all remember. Creepy, no?


Re: TV, Big Fish, Seinfeld, Curb Your Enthusiam, and the trauma of the everyday: There's an interesting case to be made concerning the ubiquity of narrative fragmentation as indicative of the economic fragmentation of late capitalism--indeed, an argument that has been made, in various guises, again and again--but the general contours of your debate make one wonder to what extent criticism is already always presumed within the postmodern narrative and, accordingly, about the ultimate political indeterminacy of such narratives within any but the most radically totalizing, horrific, terrorizing epistemological frameworks, i.e. dialectical materialism. Where are we, though, when it seems that Seinfeld must have read Lefebvre, the Wachowski brothers apparently cannibalized most of the western philosophical, religious, and pop cultural tradition, and even the most banal of schlock mongers, Mark Burnett, seems to have more than a passing knowledge of Darwin, Malinowski, and Levi-Strauss? If reading the news displaced morning prayer in secular modernity, where are we, anyway, when consuming the story displaces reading the news? Where are we, indeed, when I can make myself believe my own less than plausible argument that Fincher's Panic Room was an antinomic allegory for the Israel/Palestine conflict? Has the logic of exchange-value so thoroughly territorialized the field that our only comment can be upon metacommentary?

Post modernism is just no fun.
My planned comment is hereby withheld due to it not wanting to get its ass rhetorically kicked by adam's.

Although...Panic Room only has value as an unexplored metaphor. That movie sucked. Evian anyone?

P.S. What's antinomic? I would like to be able to use that at parties.

*looks up from bong, nearly passed out on couch*

Dude... I think he's making fun of you.

*passes out*

Yes, but who's making fun of who...? Think about it.

Either way, antinomis could be the biggest thing to hit the cocktail scene since Sex and the City did the Cosmo.

Planetarium is a hit.

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