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Better than Jackie O. dying!

That's right, every so rarely there's justice, and as the headline to this story (which will warm your heart) reads "Martha Stewart Found Guilty On All Four Counts", you can clearly see that some just desserts have been richely served. There's a lot of malarky in the press about how the pleasure people are taking in her downfall is because she's a powerful woman. Planetarium respectfully disagrees. This Newport-bred bitch is going to jail, and it warms our hearts.

Next up: We're coming for Kenneth Lay with an Uzi.


Why? Yes, she's bourgeois trash, yes she's invested in, and pioneered, a form of lifestyle entertainment/marketing that is beyond horrible. But really, she did something that thousands of people walking the streets with impunity do every single fucking day. And more to the point, she didn't get charged wtih insider trading, she got charged and convicted of trying to cover up the fact that she might have been involved in insider trading... Really, postmodernity; really, Minority Report? Your warm feelings are misguided. This is capital cannibalizing one of its own in order to prolong the feast. What does this form of justice matter against the daily injustice that is the fucking regulated, fair-trade, fair-practice stock market?

I must agree. While I am bubbly inside at the news of Martha Stewart's *possible* incarceration, I can't but be angry at the obvious injustice that Ken Lay is still not only not in jail, but not *indicted*! What the fuck? Makes no sense. Very angry. Hate everything. Must kill Ken Lay. It's cool, too, that the CIA is using an internet algorithm to search for terms like "Ken Lay" and "must kill" to pinpoint me as a threat to national security. Shit. I'm going to Texas for a week. I hate everything. Goodnight.

Our point exactly. What, must relish at the devouring of one of capitalism's own now be diminished by the acknowledgement of all of our complicity in the undertaking? Martha Stewart is horrible, no doubt, and the pleasure of the spanking for simply doing what you're taught cannot be understated. Otherwise, we'd all have jobs at Solomon-Smith-Barney by now.

The real bullshit in the media right now is the pretense that any of this prosecution was done in order to send a message to other corporate raiders. This is not about insider trading or Wall Street getting its fingers slapped. This was done solely to send a message to the populace, at large: See, the Justice Department is on the look-out for corporate crime. See, it is safe to privatize Social Security. See, it is safe to invest in a fundamentally unregulable, unstable, illusory market entity, the movements of which are based upon the good intentions of the greediest people in the country.

Does it strike you as peculiar that Martha Stewart, as one of the richest and most powerful self-made women in America (she WAS a caterer two decades ago), is indicted and convicted when the vast majority of corporate criminals are men, many of whom have committed crimes that dwarf Martha's? Nobody lost their life savings over this. I understand the prosecutor's motive in using her as an example, but was it necessary to select a woman (and a left-leaning one at that!)

She totally floats dudes.

I thought the Martha case was all about scapegoating a rich liberal woman so that the real corporate criminals could sneak back into their holes, safe now that the Justice Department can say it's tough on corporate crime?
It was a stupid witch hunt, wasting our legal systems money on a case where there wasn't even charges of stock fraud. That's right, she was convicted of lying about something she wasn't charged with.

For a Better Tomorrow...Today.

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