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The Battle Of Los Angeles

Perhaps we're all just pessimists, or maybe you caught Planetarium in a particularly cynical moment, but does anyone really think for a moment that George Bush will not be President again come November? That he and his vast right-wing conspiracy will allow John Kerry to become President in the fall? That they won't do whatever it takes, up to and including fixing the capture of Osama bin Laden, passing a new round of tax cuts, or tampering with ballot machines in order to do whatever is necessary to win the election? Sure, there may be some harping on illegal election activities, or denying tens of thousands of African-Americans the right to vote again, but unless there is some actual proof of these actions, nothing will change, and Dubya will again preside over four more years of destroying this country. Or, given the sadder alternative, the right will decide it's in theirbest interest to let Kerry preside over the next four years of inflation, unemployment, and unless the National Democratic Committee grows a heart or soul (neither very likely), the Republicans will coast to an easy 2008 win and demonstrate once again that they're much better at taking the reins than some mopey, weak-willed centrists. If you have an argument against these scenarios, please bring it up, because frankly, we're all out of ideas over here.


Um, maybe the Messiah will "return" and we'll all be sent to hell. Seriously, though, what will happen is not a sure thing. Pessimism is what got us into this in the first place. If the voting public gives up hope, how can we get the already disenchanted to help us out. Smile, dammit! Kerry's going to get elected and there's going to be a second wave of the internet economy. And everything's going to be ok if we just make sure that we make it ok. Help me out, Planetarium!

You're right, Alex. Vote for Nader.

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