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One Step Ahead...

First of all, there's a new Krugman piece out, so everyone should go read it. But second of all, let us take a proud moment to point out that it's main point is almost verbatim what Planetarium was saying almost two weeks ago:

from the new Krugman:
President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney have an unparalleled ability to insulate themselves from inconvenient facts...George W. Bush surrounds himself with people who insist that up is down, and ignorance is strength.

from Planetarium on 9.26:
What seemed like pathology in the beginning ("Clear Skies Initiative", "Healthy Forests") has developed into a clear sign that the administration has an unwavering belief in Machiavelli 101, that all politics should be cloaked in the guise of doing the opposite. Literally, whatever they call something, you know it's the exact opposite.

Thank you, thank you. Donate to Planetarium.


Amazing. Planetarium is a rising star.

You heard Bush, though, he said that he was going to increase the wetlands by 3 million. 3 million of what, I don't know, maybe 3 million of that green stuff that floats on top of bogs? I don't know.

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