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Voteless John from Hannibal, MO

Well, the DNC has left Missouri, as of today. Not surprising, considering the DNC is a bunch of pussies, and their candidate was going over like a fart in church with the rural folks of Missour-uh. For anyone who's never seen it, and interested in the Democratic National Committee (the folks who basically run the National Democratic political machine at this point), we at Planetarium would direct you to the City Pages, where with a quick search, you can still find Steve Perry's illuminating essay, "Spanking the Donkey". \

You may have noticed the slim amount of posts this week. More trouble with the darned service at Planetarium World Headquarters. Should be resolved in the next day or so.


"However, some political operatives link the DNC's cutbacks to the announcements by two allied anti-Bush independent groups - America Coming Together and Moveon.Org - that they were beefing up their state operations in Missouri. "We're hiring people for the last few weeks for the final push to talk to as many people as possible," said ACT state spokeswoman Sara Howard." -St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 10/13/04

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