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Now, as any good Joss Whedon fan knows, Firefly: The Complete Series has been available on DVD for much of this year. Due to a bizarre set of circumstances beyond our control, Planetarium has not been able to view them. Until now. Now, it's not Buffy, true- no, it's not Angel, either- but what it is happens to be a damned well-made space-western-scifi-epic that is also addictive as hell. It's not set in the Buffiverse, and it doesn't have to be. As anyone who's been reading Whedon's writing in the current run of Astonishing X-Men knows, that man can pretty much turn to gold anything he gets into his hands. Also, you'll be that much more ahead of everyone else when the big screen, $40-million adaption of the series hits screens next summer. So put down that DVD, whatever it is, and go get Firefly. This is a winner, folks.

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