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Repugnance Personified

Planetarium had the supreme displeasure of seeing about 40 minutes of the film Shallow Hal earlier this evening. This is rare for us, in fact, it might be a first: We are issuing a prime directive to not see this movie, as it may be one of the most offensive films ever made, and it will harm you as a person to see it. Yeah, it's that bad. We've never gone so far before. (Oh, wait- forgot about Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.)
What makes it so especially disgusting is the fact that everyone involved in the movie seems to think they're making an extremely smart, sensitive, progressive movie about body image, and about how it's what's on the INSIDE that counts. So, let's get this straight: If you're a nice person, that means that on the inside you look like Gwyneth fucking Paltrow?!?! If you're mean, that's means that on the inside you look overweight? So super-skinny blondes are the representation of "niceness"?!?! How about a big "fuck you" to the perpetrators of that idea, huh? Yeah- you heard us. So, tonight's message is: Fuck Shallow Hal. And fuck anyone who thinks a size 2 is the epitome of beauty.


The royal we returns. Yay!

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