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the great SAW debate

Alright, folks, there is a funny talkback debate over at Ain't It Cool right now regarding a movie that has inspired more vitriol than you'd think possible, Saw. As one of the folks who fall on the side of defending this very entertaining little movie, it's fun to watch the nerds argue about it on two completely different levels, much as the people who hate this film seem to be demanding something completely different out of their movies than PLanetarium thinks movies like this offer: namely, realism, "real-life" dialogue, "believability" (in a slasher film, natch), "serious" acting, so on and so forth. As one of the talk-backers delightedly points out: "Danny Glover has 3 Oscar nominations and a slew of street cred. Do you honestly think he didn't consciously choose to start hamming it up when he read lines like "I'ma getcha, ooh, boy, I'ma getcha!"


Saw sucked bad.

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