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So Planetarium's moving again. Moving sucks, as anyone who has lived to the age of early twenties and has lugged their respective crap to and from a variety of ever-evolving pads can attest to. Especially since, as you may note, Planetarium just moved about two weeks ago. Yeah, the new digs didn't work out so well. After Planetarium was informed that we would have to wipe down the bathtub after every shower in order to ensure that "nothing ever looked dirty", we realized that, hmmmmmm, maybe this isn't gonna work out. So, much like a deep-sea diver itching to ply their trade, we're abandoning ship as early as possible, which sadly means another two weeks of god-knows-where we'll be before entering our next "new digs". Oh, the ennui, the terrible ennui. Perhaps we'll just head over to Liquor Lyle's until we can go home with a creepy forty-year-old.

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