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back up and running

Thank christ on a crutch, Planetarium is back up and running again, after almost a week of no posting. Sincerest apologies to all our loyal readers. So, now that that's taken care of, we have to say, even WE honestly didn't think that the White House would have the fucking balls to go back on their pledge to fire whoever was responsible for leaking Valerie Plame's name once it came out that Karl Rove was the guilty party. Even the weak-ass Reuters cover story points out that, now that it's known, if you go back and look at press room transcripts and Bush's responses, they are all very carefully tailored in such a way that it's painfully fucking obvious they all knew EXACTLY what the fuck was going on. Jaw-dropping, what these fucking people will do. Just when you think "oh, there's no WAY they'd be able to do that", they go and do it. As B.Alec pointed out way back when, we're eagerly anticipating the new "Everybody Lives" initiative.


good to hear your blog is back up.

McClellan looked like an ass yesterday.

Where's that Ari Fleischer when you need him.

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